Why Are Introverts Looked Down Upon? (5 Interesting Reasons)

Nov 21, 2022

Introverts are commonly looked down upon in modern societies by extraverts who prefer they be more social.

However, extraverts don’t realize that most introverts can socialize and thrive in public despite wanting to spend most of their time in solitude.

And they wish to associate with their fellow man but not as much as others. 

Even though they can communicate with others when needed, introverts are still seen as social outcasts and ridiculed.

Some people go as far as suggesting that individuals who prefer to be alone are dangerous and pose a risk to the lives of others the way school shooters terrorized schools in the past. 

Another introvert stereotype is compared to serial killers since most arrested were profiled as loners who preferred not to socialize with others.

When criticized and insulted like this, introverts want to be even less social than usual because extraverts don’t try to understand them. 

I hope to change the public perception with this article by discussing the five reasons introverts are looked down upon in society and what you can do to be more accepting of people who value their alone time more than most others.

5 Interesting Reasons Why Introverts Are Looked Down Upon

1. Introverts are looked down upon, because they are silent

People who are silent and observant at parties or other social gatherings are considered rude.

It makes extraverts feel uncomfortable because the introvert makes them feel obligated to do all the talking while being stared at.

It’s also seen as disrespectful because the individual is not trying to communicate and be proactive in discussions. 

Silence is often also seen as a sign of weakness by both men and women.

Women could automatically think a man that doesn’t talk much is not an “alpha” or someone willing to take control of the interaction.

Men see it as a weakness because they think it means an introvert is shy and scared to have dialogues with others.

If they are considered shy, they are pushed out of social groups and end up with no friends, leading to fewer opportunities to climb their career ladder.

2. Introverts are looked down upon, because of negative stereotypes

Introversion is often misunderstood, and a few stereotypes about it cause people who are not introverts to look down on them.

For example, one stereotype is that introverts hate people, which is not the case.

On the contrary, they love their family members and friends as much as anyone else.

Furthermore, despite enjoying their time alone, if there are any problems or help is needed, introverts gladly show up to help those they care about.

Photo by Mikhail Noliv on Pexels 

Another stereotype is that they must be depressed or sad because they don’t go out and meet others much.

This is also not the case, and many introverts tend to be extremely happy individuals because they don’t need to spend their time impressing everyone or trying to be someone they are not.

3. Introverts are looked down upon, because they are intrinsic people

Intrinsic individuals sometimes have tunnel vision because they are so committed to their goals that they unintentionally ignore the world around them, which rubs some the wrong way.

Also, it comes off as selfish or as narcissistic behavior to be so focused on yourself that you ignore the needs and feelings of your loved ones which is why it’s frowned upon. 

But their assumption is incorrect. Being intrinsic does help introverts achieve their goals faster, but it also makes them more sensitive to the feelings of others.

As a result, they are not distracted by social media and the news like others, making them more available and in the present for the people they love when necessary.

4. Introverts are looked down upon, because they go against the status quo

Society frowns upon people that don’t follow the status quo and go against the norm.

It makes some people nervous and start doubting their beliefs simply because they are told to believe them.

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However, introverts don’t follow the masses and do their own thing, which makes some feel insecure.

Photo by Monstera on Pexels

Also, introverts that don’t follow sheep-like behavior are seen as disobedient rule breakers that refuse to observe the norms that keep society from falling into chaos.

Sometimes rules and compliance are necessary for a community to work together cohesively, and introverts find this very difficult.

5. Introverts are looked down upon, because they care about happiness more than being social

If introverts have to do things to fit into social groups that make them unhappy, they choose to stay away from socializing because their happiness takes priority.

For extraverts, it’s usually the opposite.

They put aside their personal needs to accommodate their social circles and look down on anyone that doesn’t live for the good of society. 

It’s essential to consider both sides.

We can’t live alone, and it’s unhealthy to cut everyone off from the world because you feel your happiness takes precedence over the group.

You must also consider your mental health and happiness like introverts do.

If you can somehow balance these viewpoints, you can live a good life without people looking down on you for not fitting in.


If people took the time to understand introverts instead of looking down upon them, they would know what they are missing out on by not being friends with them.

In addition, there is a lot both sides can learn from each other if they start resisting their initial urge to judge each other.

Lastly, the world needs introverts to stay the way they are because many essential jobs require their behavior and habits to excel in, such as computer programmers, research lab scientists, medical doctors, speech therapists, social media managers, and writers.

Picture of INFJ Male


As a psychologist with a Master's degree in Clinical & Health Psychology, and as an INFJ male, highly sensitive human being, the author aims to blend the objective, subjective, mind, body and spirit for a holistic view on true well-being
for INFJs, Introverts, Highly Sensitive People and Empaths!



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