Why Are Introverts Hated? (5 Intriguing Reasons)

Nov 22, 2022

You might say that hate is a strong word and what people who “hate” introverts feel is perhaps a disliking of introverts.

Introverts tend to annoy most people with eccentric behavior, but it’s not intentional.

After all, they cannot control who they are and the personality they inherited from their parents.

Neither could introverts control how their personality was molded during the formative years.

Yet, despite this common knowledge, extroverts and people who aren’t introverts still hurl insults and despise introverts for various reasons. 

We will discuss five reasons why others “hate” introverts and what we can do to understand introverts better so that this hatred is no longer necessary.

5 Intriguing Reasons Why People Hate Introverts

1. People tend to hate introverts, because introverts don’t need anyone

It’s human nature to seek attention because people tend to get lonely, jealous of loved ones, and have low self-esteem.

People tend to feel lost and unimportant without this attention, but introverts are unique.

They don’t need to be brooded over and don’t try to seek all the attention from others.

They enjoy caring for themselves, which bothers many people since they could never imagine having this kind of freedom. 

People want to be needed, and when the introverts around them don’t make them feel wanted, the hatred can begin to form to the point where they avoid the person altogether.

2. People tend to hate introverts, because introverts process feelings and thoughts internally

When a person that’s not an introvert asks an introvert a question, the latter is not responsive immediately.

It’s the easiest way to annoy someone when you don’t answer them and be considered aloof.

But extraverts don’t realize that introverts are thoughtful by taking their time to give the best answer possible by considering every likely scenario.

Photo by Shvets Production on Pexels

You may not see this going on internally, but if your question is as important as you think it is, you can be sure you will get the answer you requested. 

And if you ask for a job to be done, you can feel confident that an introvert will complete it and do it well.

They understand deadlines, and if they can’t do it by the date requested, an introvert tends to let you know in time.

So, the next time you ask one of them to do something and they don’t answer you on the spot, you can feel confident they are working on the questions and tasks in the background.

3. People tend to hate introverts, because introverts are easily annoyed

Extreme extraverts don’t mesh well with dedicated introverts who dislike people who talk loudly and ask for help, like dependent toddlers.

If you have this type of aggressive Type A personality, you should stay away from introverts, so you don’t grow to hate them.

Or, if you still want to move forward, you should meet them halfway by considering their needs and feelings just as much as you care about yours. 

Start working together by not trying to dominate every aspect of the conversation and give them the chance to thrive by giving them space.

And if they do something well, ensure you don’t take the credit by congratulating them in public, even if they are shy about being acknowledged for their hard work.

They will act like they don’t care but deep down, they will be grateful you didn’t take the credit. 

If you can work together like this, no one will feel the annoyance which could lead to hatred.

4. People tend to hate introverts, because introverts like to be alone

Many introverts love to be alone and are semi-hermits, but the majority does like people as long as they feel comfortable around them.

But extraverts hate those that want to be alone or are picky about the friends they choose because they think it's anti-social behavior.

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If an introvert has family members that always argue, they will display this need to be alone because they don’t want to go home feeling drained.

Photo by Rodnae Productions on Pexels

Family members can’t understand this and start disliking them when introverts don’t attend family gatherings and holiday parties.

An ideal family gathering for an introvert is with a small group that isn’t prone to arguing.

Small groups that get along allow shy people to be themselves and display their personalities without being judged since this is almost impossible with large groups.

5. People tend to hate introverts, because introverts are not talkative

Introverts enjoy listening more than they like talking. And some people consider it a red flag or suspicious, which can breed dislike or hatred.

The reason introverts are quiet is not that they have something devious to hide from you.

Instead, silence helps them relax their minds and recover their mental energy, but they still don’t mind being a good listener if that’s what they need and you are not aggressive about it. 

Of course, not all introverts are the same, and their behaviors and preferences vary depending on the individual.

The best step is to ask questions to ensure you don’t overstep boundaries.

Once you know their limits, you can be sure that they will be good friends who listen to your problems and advice because introverts are the best at actively listening without being distracted.


It’s natural for human beings to hate or dislike what they don’t understand, but if they try to get to know an introvert, they stand to gain a solid friend.

So the first step is to ask all the questions you can while being empathetic to get to know what they like and dislike.

Once you understand them more, you won’t need to feel that hatred, and you will see how great introverts can be!

Picture of INFJ Male


As a psychologist with a Master's degree in Clinical & Health Psychology, and as an INFJ male, highly sensitive human being, the author aims to blend the objective, subjective, mind, body and spirit for a holistic view on true well-being
for INFJs, Introverts, Highly Sensitive People and Empaths!



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