Parenting A Highly Sensitive Teenager: Guiding Emotional Growth With Care

Nov 3, 2023

Navigating the teenage years can be a rollercoaster ride, both for parents and the teens themselves.

When you're parenting a teenage highly sensitive person, the journey often entails extra care, understanding, and a hearty dose of patience. 

Highly sensitive teenagers experience the world in a unique way, their heightened emotional and sensory processing can be both a gift and a challenge.

As a highly sensitive INFJ male I can say my teenage years were very emotionally turbulent.

I really wish I would have gotten guidance from someone who understands high sensitivity so that I could harness its power earlier.

A lot of my pain could've been prevented this way.

Therefore understanding and guiding our highly sensitive teenagers' emotional growth is crucial for helping them thrive during these formative years. 

In this article, we will explore mindful parenting strategies that foster a supportive environment, encouraging your teen to navigate through their emotions and social interactions with confidence and resilience.

Understanding High Sensitivity

High sensitivity, often referred to as Sensory Processing Sensitivity (SPS), is a personality trait characterized by deeper cognitive processing of sensory input, higher emotional reactivity, and increased sensitivity to environmental stimuli. 

Individuals with high sensitivity are often more aware of subtleties in their surroundings and are more affected by the behavior of others and the emotions they experience.

This trait is not a disorder but a variation in the human temperament that's present in about 15 – 20% of the population.

Highly sensitive individuals often have a rich inner life, are highly creative, empathetic, and insightful.

Identifying High Sensitivity in Teenagers

Identifying high sensitivity in teenagers can be a pivotal step in fostering a supportive environment for their emotional and social growth. 

Common signs and symptoms of high sensitivity in teenagers include:

  • A deep sense of empathy.
  • Being easily overwhelmed by high levels of stimulation.
  • A tendency to be introspective.
  • A keen awareness of subtle changes in their environment or in people’s moods.
  • Having a strong reaction to criticism.
  • A preference for quiet and orderly environments.
  • Needing more time to reflect before making decisions.

Why is Understanding and Identifying High Sensitivity Important?

Early identification and understanding of high sensitivity are crucial for several reasons. 

  • Firstly, it helps in acknowledging the teenager's unique temperament and experiences, which in turn fosters a sense of acceptance and understanding within the family.
  • Secondly, it allows for the adaptation of parenting strategies that cater to the teenager's sensitivity, promoting a positive emotional and social development. 
  • Lastly, early identification can also help in mitigating potential challenges that highly sensitive teenagers might face in school or social settings, by advocating for their needs in a proactive manner.

By recognizing and understanding high sensitivity, parents, educators, and caregivers are better equipped to provide the nurturing environment that highly sensitive teenagers require to thrive during this critical phase of their lives.

Parenting Strategies for Highly Sensitive Teenagers

Parenting a highly sensitive teenager (HST) necessitates a blend of understanding, patience, and tailored strategies to foster a conducive environment for their emotional and social growth. Here are some effective strategies to consider:

Man and woman sitting in grass with their family

Photo by Freepik

Creating a Supportive Environment

Establish a calm and predictable home atmosphere to provide a safe haven for your highly sensitive teenager.

  • Safety and Acceptance: Ensure your home is a safe haven where your teenager feels accepted and understood. Celebrate their sensitivity as a strength rather than a weakness, but also discuss the trait’s challenges.
  • Predictable Routine: Highly sensitive people often thrive in structured, predictable environments. Establishing a consistent routine can help them feel secure and less anxious.

Encouraging Self-expression and Emotional Intelligence

Promote creative outlets and emotional literacy to help your teenager articulate and manage their emotions effectively.

  • Creative Outlets: Encourage your teenager to explore creative outlets like art, music, or writing to express their emotions and experiences.
  • Emotional Literacy: Help them identify and articulate their emotions. Discussing emotions and providing them with a vocabulary to express themselves can foster emotional intelligence.

Setting Realistic Expectations and Boundaries

Balance your expectations and teach the importance of setting healthy boundaries to nurture your teenager's self-esteem and emotional well-being.

  • Balanced Expectations: Set realistic and achievable expectations, making sure they are clear, reasonable, and attainable, which can help in reducing anxiety and boosting their self-esteem.
  • Healthy Boundaries: Teach your teenager the importance of setting boundaries to protect their energy and emotional well-being. Help them understand it’s okay to say no, take time for themselves or take up space.

Communication: Open, Honest, and Non-judgmental

Foster a culture of open dialogue, ensuring your teenager feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings and needs without fear of judgment.

  • Active Listening: Practice active listening by giving your full attention, gently interrupting by paraphrasing to clarify and digging deeper to understand their perspective, and validating their feelings.
  • Expressive Dialogue: Encourage open dialogue where your teenager feels comfortable sharing their thoughts, feelings and needs without fear of judgment or criticism.

Parenting Challenges and Solutions for Highly Sensitive Teenagers

Parenting a highly sensitive teenager (HST) can present unique challenges that require thoughtful solutions. Here are some common challenges and suggested solutions:

Overwhelm and Sensory Overload

Highly Sensitive Teenagers (HSTs) often have a heightened response to external stimuli.

They may become easily overwhelmed by noisy, chaotic, or crowded environments, which can lead to anxiety, irritability, or withdrawal.

Solution: Create a calm and structured environment at home. Encourage your teenager to use coping strategies such as mindfulness or breathing exercises to manage sensory overload.

Emotional Intensity

The emotional world of HSTs is rich and intense and particularly amplified by the onset of puberty.

They feel emotions deeply, which can be both beautiful and challenging. This emotional intensity can sometimes be draining for both the teenager and the parent.

Solution: Learn to practice clinical psychologist Dr. Marshall Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication with your teenage children. By focussing on the feelings and underlying needs of others during an argument, instead of trying to win it by being right, the nonviolent communication method resolves conflict with ease by fostering empathy and considering everyone’s needs so that all parties can feel heard and understood. Watch the video above for a general introduction. Get access to a free Nonviolent Communication teaching series as a prelude to the full Online Course via my friends at Sounds True by clicking here (affiliate link).

Social Challenges

Social situations can be overwhelming for HSTs due to their heightened empathy and sensitivity.

They might struggle with forming and maintaining relationships, or feel drained by social interactions.

Group of teenagers sitting on the ground making protest signs

Photo by Freepik

Solution: Encourage them to engage in social activities that align with their interests and comfort levels. Role-play social scenarios and discuss coping strategies for managing social anxiety.

Criticism and Fear of Failure

HSTs may take criticism very personally or have a heightened fear of failure which can hinder their willingness to try new things.

Solution: Offer constructive feedback gently, focusing on the effort rather than the outcome. Foster a growth mindset by celebrating progress and resilience.

Difficulty with Change and Transitions

Adapting to change or transitioning to new situations can be particularly challenging for HSTs as they may feel unsettled by uncertainty.

Solution: Prepare them in advance for changes or transitions, discussing what they can expect and strategizing on how to cope with potential challenges.


The desire for perfection and high standards can lead to stress and anxiety.

Solution: Encourage a balanced approach to tasks and goals, emphasizing the importance of self-compassion, learning from experiences and that their effort is more important than the outcome.

Boundary Setting

HSTs may have difficulty setting boundaries, leading to exhaustion or being taken advantage of.

Solution: Teach the importance of setting healthy boundaries and saying no when necessary to protect their emotional well-being, despite being plagued by feelings of guilt and shame.

Misunderstanding and Stigmatization

Lack of understanding from others about high sensitivity can lead to stigmatization, misunderstanding, or feelings of isolation.

Solution: Advocate for your teenager’s needs in school and other settings by talking to their teachers about it. Educate close family and friends about high sensitivity to foster understanding and support.


Parenting a highly sensitive teenager requires a blend of understanding, patience, and tailored strategies.

By creating a supportive environment, maintaining open communication, and setting realistic boundaries, parents can nurture their teenager's emotional growth effectively. 

The journey may have its challenges, but with the right approach, it can be incredibly rewarding.

Embracing and celebrating your teenager's sensitivity, while equipping them with the skills to navigate the world, lays a foundation for a resilient and emotionally intelligent future adult. 

Through mindful parenting, the unique gifts of highly sensitive individuals can be recognized, appreciated, and harnessed for a fulfilling life!

Picture of INFJ Male


As a psychologist with a Master's degree in Clinical & Health Psychology, and as an INFJ male, highly sensitive human being, the author aims to blend the objective, subjective, mind, body and spirit for a holistic view on true well-being
for INFJs, Introverts, Highly Sensitive People and Empaths!



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